[24] Cognitive instincts versus cognitive gadgets: A fallacy. (With Aida Roige.) Mind & Language, 34 (2019), 540-550.
[23] The causes and contents of inner speech. In P. Langland-Hassan & A.Vicente (eds.), Inner Speech: new voices. Oxford University Press (2018), 31-52.
[22] Implicit versus explicit attitudes: Differing manifestations of the same representational structures? Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 9 (2018), 51-72.
[21] The illusion of conscious thought. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 24, 9-10 (2017), 228-252.
[20] Opening up vision: The case against encapsulation. (With Ryan Ogilvie.) Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 7 (2016), 721-742.
[19] On central cognition. Philosophical Studies, 170 (2014), 143-162.
[18] Animal minds are real, (distinctively) human minds are not. American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (2013), 233-247.
[17] The
fragmentation of reasoning. In P.
Quintanilla, C. Mantilla, and P. Cépeda (eds.), Cognición Social y Lenguaje:
La intersubjetividad en la evolución de la especie y en el desarrollo del nińo, Lima: Fondo
Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del
Perú, 2014.
[16] The distinctively-human mind: the many pillars of cumulative culture. In G.Hatfield and H.Pittman (eds.), The Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture. Penn Museum Press, 2013. [written in 2007]
[15] Metacognition and reasoning. (With Logan Fletcher.) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367 (2012), 1366-1378.
[14] Language in cognition. In E.Margolis, R.Samuels, and S.Stich (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science. OUP, 2011.
[13] An architecture for dual reasoning. In J.Evans and K.Frankish (eds.), In Two Minds: dual processes and beyond. OUP, 2009.
[12] Précis of The Architecture of the Mind & On Fodor-fixation, flexibility, and human uniqueness. Mind and Language, 23 (2008), 257-262 & 293-303.
[11] Simple heuristics meet massive modularity. In
Carruthers, Laurence, and Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind 2: culture and
cognition. OUP, 2006.
[10] The case for massively modular models of mind. In R.Stainton (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Blackwell, 2006.
[9] Distinctively human thinking: modular precursors and components. In P.Carruthers, S.Laurence, and S.Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: structure and content. OUP, 2005. Click here for pdf.
[8] Practical reasoning in a modular mind. Mind and Language, 19 (2004), 259-278. Click here for pdf.
[7] Modularity, language, and the flexibility of thought. Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 25:6 (2002), 705-719. (Published in 2003.) (Replies
to commentators on #[6].)
For the complete BBS exchange, including both [6] and [7], click here.
[6] The cognitive functions of language. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25:6, (2002), 657-674. (Published in 2003.)
[5] On Fodor's Problem. Mind and Language, 18 (2003), 502-523. Click here for pdf.
[4] Is the mind a system of modules shaped by natural selection? In C. Hitchcock (ed.), Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Science. Blackwell, 2003.
[3] Moderately massive modularity. In A. OHear (ed.), Mind and Persons. CUP, 2003.
[2] The roots of scientific reasoning: infancy, modularity, and the art of tracking. In P.Carruthers, S.Stich and M.Siegal (eds.), The Cognitive Basis of Science. CUP, 2002.
[1] Thinking in language?: evolution and a modularist possibility. In P.Carruthers and J.Boucher (eds.), Language and Thought. CUP, 1998.